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Community Mortgage

Simplify the Process.

Boost Your Revenue.

Mortgage lending is time-consuming and complex. The all-digital Community Mortgage process helps you generate income, reduce costs, outsource risk, and keep your customers under your roof by offering a highly competitive product. You — and your customers — get all the benefits with none of the burdens.

Ready for a personal demo of our aggregation platform?
Call Chris at 515.223.2265 and get your meeting scheduled today.

Don't take our word for it. Hear from Patrick, President/CEO of Fairfax State Savings Bank.

"Thanks to Community Mortgage, we are able to provide our customers with longer-term, competitively priced, mortgage loans. It is accomplished without the cost associated with maintaining an entire mortgage department. Mortgage originations are important and challenging in most every bank. Community Mortgage has enabled us to retain our customers while generating more net profit. Since the onset of our relationship in 2016, we've done mortgage loans right in Fairfax, IA, with the help or our friends at Community Mortgage."

 Uniting technology and relationships

Choose No Risk, All Rewards

Community Mortgage takes on all the risks of regulatory compliance, quality assurance and any push-back if Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae decide something isn’t completely right later.

Offer Competitive Rates

You maintain a mortgage product that’s appealing to your customers—at a profitable volume for you. You can offer a mortgage product that showcases significant savings for customers.

Maintain Your Customer Relationships

Customers know you as their banker. They work with you through the entire process. Mortgage services attract new customers and keep current customers. All requests are referred to you.

Save Staff Time

Your loan staff will spend one-tenth the amount of time to close a mortgage loan versus handling it all in-house. CM takes on the back-office tasks.

Outsource Mortgage Service

CM handles all the loan servicing for the lifetime of the loan. No more extra work for your staff. CM takes care of everything— saving you both time and money.

Earn Fee Income

You maintain a profitable product for your bank. You earn the strong loan origination fees associated with a mortgage business. That doesn’t change.

Offer Valuable Customer Services. Avoid the Resources Drain.

Loan Processes

Community Mortgage simplifies the process for the single most complicated product that banks offer to customers. The process is all digital until the customer signs.

  • Custom website portal makes your bank the face of the loan.
  • Customers complete the online application or sit down with your loan officers.
  • Applications are submitted to your bank and CM.
  • CM sends out early disclosures.
  • From providers you choose, CM orders the appraisal, title opinion or guarantee, flood search, and other documents.
  • CM compiles a closing packet.
  • You finish the loan face-to-face with your customer.
  • You upload the signed paperwork to the secure portal.
  • The closed loan is sold to the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB).
  • By FHLB regulations, the loan is closed in CM’s name; by contract, only you (not CM) will ever contact your customers.
  • CM services the loan for the life of the mortgage.

Talk to a BANK Representative>

Talk to a BANK Representative>

Loan Services

Community Mortgage shifts the workload—and risks—from your bank. You and your loan officers have time focus on other profitable efforts.

  • The total digital solution makes you the face of the loan for your customers.
  • The secure electronic application is handled by CM.
  • CM underwrites the loan.
  • You get real-time electronic review of status and progress.
  • All findings, including appraisal, title work, and closing documents, are managed through CM.
  • Our loan professionals stay current on all laws and regulations.
  • Our staff assures all loan aspects are in regulatory compliance.
  • CM deals with quality assurance.
  • CM bears the risk of push-back.
  • Loan servicing for the life of the mortgage is CM’s job.
  • All customer refinancing requests are referred to you for personal service.

Let's Talk About Loan Partnerships>

Let's Talk About Loan Partnerships>

Review Your Strategies. Grow Your Market.

Community Mortgage helps you gain market share in your communities. Let us show you how to differentiate your brand. Our services help you review current strategies and define your target market. We help create a brand message and evaluate potential traditional and nontraditional marketing strategies. By exploring potential community resources and partnerships, we help you grow your market share.